Workplace Wellness

Are you one of those people who spends all day staring at a computer screen or phone? Do you find yourself squinting and rubbing your eyes by the end of the day? If so, it’s time to start taking care of your peepers! Workplace wellness isn’t just about your physical health, it’s also about taking care of your eyes.

First things first, make sure you have the right prescription for your glasses or contacts. Trust me, trying to tough it out without the right prescription will only give you a headache and a bad attitude. And who wants that? Once you have the right prescription, invest in some quality lenses that protect your eyes from the evils of blue light. Blue light is like the Joker to your eyes’ Batman – it causes eye strain, headaches, and can even mess with your sleep. But with the right lenses, you’ll be able to fight off those pesky villains and enjoy comfortable vision all day long.

And don’t forget to take breaks! Your eyes need rest just like the rest of your body. Every 20 minutes, look away from your screen and focus on something in the distance for 20 seconds. It’s like a mini vacation for your eyes, and who doesn’t love a vacation?

If all else fails, just close your eyes and pretend you’re on a beach somewhere. Just don’t forget to set an alarm for your next meeting.

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